May 31, 2009

A Boy or a Girl

As the baby kicks around in her womb she wonders what he or she will be like. One thing she knows for sure this baby her mother and father will love unconditionally.
At first you moved,
only a little.
I could always find you,
right in the middle.
As time went on,
you really started to grow.
It wasn't a whole lot,i
n fact, it was rather slow.
Before I knew it,
you were all over the place.
It kind of felt like,
you were running a race.
People would ask me,
if, you were a boy or a girl.
I would sit and wonder,
if, you would have curls.
How much will you weigh?
How tall will you be?
What color is your hair?
Will you even like me?
Your Dad and I,
planned you from the start.
You, my dear child,
were made straight from our hearts.
There will be no one like you,
not any place in the world.
It really doesn't matter,
if you are a boy or a girl.
I hope I make you proud,
that I am your mother everyday.
Because, you have filled my dreams,
in more ways, than words can say.
It won't be long before,
I can look you in the eyes.
I can feel the excitement growing,
I know I'm going to cry.
Don't worry my angel,
those tears will be of joy.
It won't matter to me,
if you are a girl or a boy.


Dewdrop said...

Very motherly!!! :)

Aparna said...

thanks dew

Yamini Meduri said...

its so sweet Aparna.....beautiful and perfect write up by the sweetest mother..!!!

good wishes..!!!

Aparna said...

hi yamini.. thanks dear

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